Friday, June 22, 2007


I grew up without PSP, X-box, Astro's Cartoon network, Barney & computer games. I've never heard of McDonald's fast food chain. The only McDonald I knew was OLD and he had a farm...hah! I classified "No need to eat rice day" as "Happy meals". I HATE rice even when I was a kid. Give me a cup of Milo or Holicks and you'll make my day! I used to eat rice with "rottan" or the "almighty cane" as my "side dish" almost everyday. Woops...out of topic..hehe, lets talk about the toys I used to play during my growing up years......

Some uses 5 stones but me and my "batu seremban" gang played 7 stones. It's quite an addictive game. All you need to do is throw one stone up the air and try to sweep one stone into your palm and simultaneously catching the one you threw up the air earlier using only one hand.

Plasticine. Heard of these? It's like Playdoh but it's cheaper, bigger, stickier and definitely waxier. I love playing with these modelling clay but I remember how I hate the waxy feel on my hands after playing. Dad ban me from playing at home because I decided to "Open my own bakery shoppee at the tender age of 5". To advertise my product, I stick my Plasticine bread, cakes and cookies on his wall and room wallpaper which leaves oily marks.....

If you think Kalkitos sounds like mosquitoes or some Japanese girl's name you came across in magazines (or obscene websites)... probably we're from a different era hah!. Each pack comes with a variety of colourful landscape card boards. As you open up the package, you'll find a plastic sheet of coloured transfers containing cartoons, cowboys, animals or vehicles depending on which theme you've choose. We'll need to transfer those pictures into the empty landscape using a blunt plastic stick which comes along with the set. This is a good Artie-based toy as it helps a child to improve on his/her imagination. I wish I can still get some of these in Malaysia.

Little girls play "Masak-masak". Some of my "little little boyfriends" played these too during preschool! Forcing mom and dad to taste "virtual meals" at home was.....FUN especially when they do the "Mmmmm....hoh chiak (means...tasty in Hokkien)" on every spoonful of "fresh air".
...more updates soon...

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