Friday, April 06, 2007

Getting to know you....

Dearie and I often have mind bending & silly conversations are some of them in random order...

L'abeille: Honey, lets play a game...

*X-trail looks at me with big round eyes*

L'abeille: We're gonna take turns to ask each other questions. Something about ourselves and see how much we know about each other...ok? You start first la..

X-trail: What's my favourite colour?

L'abeille: *I can't be wrong picking blue... but he said he likes green during our getting-to-know-you better sessions* Easy like GREEN

X-trail:'s Blue. Now let me guess, you like PINK

L'abeille: Oui...I don't like pink!!! I like Lilac

X-trail: Well, that's because the flowers I gave you was lilac isn't it? Oh well...from now shall like nothing but pink *in a hypnotising tone*

L'abeille: Speechless

One fine evening, the lady decided to annoy his man a little.....
L'abeille: Dear
X-trail: Yes? *He can already smell "trouble" 3 feet away from me*
L'abeilla: Can you still remember what you wore on our first date?
X-trail: Stripes and khakis?
L'abeille: WRONG. When did we know each other?
X-trail: Somewhere in April? May? June?
L'abeilla: Oui! Be specific....!. When we started dating as a couple?
X-trail: Before your England trip?
L'abeille: Month? When did you first gimme the first beary hug? a kiss? What I wore on my first date? ...............the list go on and on and on............
X-trail: ..................... *long pause-blanked face-palm covering eyes*
L'abeille: .......................Turn over and walk away *giggling in silent, because I can't even remember when did all those incidents happened*
L'abeille: Why don't I see you on MSN chat anymore ever since we started dating eh?
X-trail: I can now strangle you in person oredi mar....
L'abeille: .......................


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