Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh my Knee!

The rain was heavy on my way home this evening. It was so heavy I could hardly see the road in front of me. I'm feeling really grouchy lately because I've yet to recover from a meniscus tear on my left knee. Still on a week supply of pain killers and 3 months supply of supplements. No joke, 6 tabs a day!

Well, initially when the doctor said "REST", I took his words lightly. He continued his sentence by telling me
that I might require arthroscopic surgery to prevent further damage to the whole joint and its stability if I continue to feel the sharp pain. It freaks me up and sets chill to my young bones when he said rehabilitation following surgery will vary depending on the extent of the meniscal damage wor! Oh gosh, I better OBEY...

I've been resting reluctantly for the past 1 week. Doctor said I should be able to resume dancing after I finish my pain killer tabs but I shouldn't be doing any hip hop for the next 6 weeks. Till date, it's already my 10th day of "endorphin-less" evening due to the lack of booty shaking sessions.... 'tick-tock', 'ticky-ticky tock'.... wake me up in 6 weeks time OK! *$#*&@*&#@

This evening was special. Most of my weekday evenings, I'll just return home to my greens [salad] which X-T refers to as "wabbit food" ...............BUT lo and behold, today as I return home soaking wet inside out, there's a lovely smell coming out of my very own kitchen. Sis walked out of the kitchen holding a plate of low fat, high protein, extremely aromatic plate of chow and she said... "Tt's for you, sis"... *Aiseh man...I can feel the warmth and it's almost able to dry out my soaked clothing"

Let's check out what La Ratatouille Wannabe cook for today..

A serving of cheese-less macaroni omelette with sliced beef sausages & crabstick cutlets on greens. [It wasn't oily yet it's very juicy because the eggs was not overcooked. The beef sausages were cooked to perfection and the greens... she's using basalmic dressing today with a hint of lemon juice]

After such a nice meal, was I mentioning about the knee pain earlier? What pain? Nah...small matter!


gymbunni said...

More women seem to be having knee problems lately, a lot of my gym kakis are taking supplements like Glucousamine and eating a lot of fish. Hope you get well soon and congratulations on crossing the 1-year mark. Do you all gym together? I try to get my man over but he is such a couch potato..sometimes frustrating

L'abeille said...

Hi Gymbunni,

Thanks for dropping by. I'm currently taking Glucousamine too and taking more calcium filled stuff lately. Well, my left knee is better now.

I goes to the gym alone. X-T prefers badminton. :)