Sunday, May 11, 2008

Endless partying...

Phew! May is always the busiest month for both XT and I. First it was mom's birthday and followed by Mother's Day party. Next comes my dear sister's birthday and there's going to be another round of celebration. This year, there will be 3 wedding parties we're truly looking forward to attend in the month of May and last but not least, we received a Kentucky Derby Party Invitations from one of XT's best friend Joel all the way from the States. Joel is celebrating his son's 3 years old party and it's gonna be a grand celebration. Unfortunately, it's too far away and guess we won't have time for this. Before May ends, we'll be travelling back to Ipoh to attend my grandfather's birthday and XT's coat should be ready by then for collection. We need more Brand's chicken essence liao lor!

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