Thursday, June 05, 2008

I've said it for the 100th time...

...DIET PILLS is NOT the short cut way to loose pounds! Here's another experience one of my really overweight friend that I would like to share with you. Mr A was 30kgs overweight a year ago. Doctors told him to cut down on his consumption of protein, cheese, alcohol and sugary food. He tried having high fiber, low sugar and oil free diet for about 4 months. Miraculously, he lost 10kgs. Great isn't it? Ok, on the 5th month.. a friend of his introduced him to a range of diet pills. The friend claimed that without having to sacrifice the food he love, he still can lose weight with the pill. So, he return to his usual diet, indulging on all the good food he likes. He believes thatthe pill would maintain the weight he'd lost. Sad to say, he gained all the 10kgs he had lost and not only that, he gained another 3kgs! Sigh...

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